Your body is the greatest vehicle you will ever own and we are here to help you treat it as such.

Meet DeGeorgio Bodyworks

We facilitate and support healing, growth and personal wellbeing through embodiment practices and specialized bodywork: Rolfing® Structural Integration, CranioSacral Therapy, Aston Patterning®, Heart Centered Therapy, Hakomi and Yoga. We are devoted to what we do and bring training and attention to the most important component in working with others: ourselves. We believe that the most advanced tool we can bring to the table is offering a more integrated therapist experience.

Meet your Therapists

Magdalena Waliszewska CST-T

Trauma Informed Bodyworker

Magdalena is a Technique Certified CranioSacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute. She has a background in archetypal psychology and Heart Centered Therapy. Magdalena earned a masters degree in psychology in Poland before she emigrated to the United States, and she is currently training as a Hakomi Therapist. Her long path of travels and various experiences led her to believe that healing and learning are the most valuable gifts of our lives. Her devotion to CranioSacral Therapy grows deeper with each patient. A profound connection of anatomical and functional knowledge of the body as well as an intuitive outlook and empathic evaluation, supports her intention to find and work with root causes. There is mystery and individuality in healing, her unique perspective as a CranioSacral Therapist and mindfulness based, body-centered psychotherapy training ensures a unique and fresh perspective addressing often overlooking trauma or injury. 

Jeffrey DeGeorgio CST-T

Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Rolf Movement® Practitioner, Aston Patterning® Practitioner 

Jeffrey’s first career and passion was teaching elementary school. His intention has always been to make the world a better place from the bottom-up. He has carried this motivation along with the patience of an educator into his career as a bodyworker. Jeffrey is proud to have graduated from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® as a Rolfer and later as a Rolf Movement Practitioner and Certified Advanced Rolfer®. He continues to be actively involved with the Rolf Institute as a member of the Faculty Development and Review Board. Jeffrey follows the belief that a variety of tools and skills are beneficial in alignment with the 5 Principles of Rolfing SI to meet the individualized goals and opportunities for each client. Jeffrey has studied and continues to study various modalities to that end including: Aston Patterning, CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Bob Cooley’s Resistance Flexibility Technology™, Reiki, Ayurvedic Message and Panchakarma, Thai Massage, Yoga, Yoga Massage. In addition to the Idaho practice, Jeffrey also maintains a monthly practice in Abilene, Texas. Please connect to inquire about scheduling. 

Nourish your body today.